Children’s parties can be an organisational nightmare. Not only do we have to worry about Invites, Venue, Décor and Party Bags. We also worry about keeping more than a dozen or so more children safe, entertained and well fed. So, what do you do when your child decides they suddenly want a Pirate themed party?
No – you don’t panic!
Luckily, we’re here to help with our fantastic, fuss-free guide to hosting the perfect Children’s Pirate Party. Simply follow our fantastic free guide below for some terrific tips and tricks on everything from invites and decorations to pirate themed fancy dress and pirate party games. for a swashbuckling-ly special Pirate Party
A party’s invitation sets the scene and builds excitement amongst your child and their friends. So, start as you mean to go on and hand out Pirate theme invitations.
Cut black card or sugar paper into the shape of a pirate, using a white pen or a Tippex pen to write the invite with. Don’t forget to also include Pirate themed wording! Something along the lines of;
Ahoy there, matey! Captain [name of your child] invites you aboard his pirate ship for a buccaneer birthday party. Pier: [location]. Set sail: [date and time]. Pirate Fancy Dress is optional, but encouraged!
Feeling really arty? Why not also add some skull and crossbones to your invites for greater effect!
You can also find invitation template here;

With your invites now sorted, it’s time to set a spectacular swashbuckling party scene.
Now don’t worry, we all know how quickly costs can rise when decorations come into play, so here’s a few (practically) free ideas to help you create an amazing pirate scene.
The Ship –
A sight DIY project, but great fun for you and your child in the week leading up to the party. Simply go to your local supermarket/hardware store and ask for some of the biggest boxes they have. Turn it horizontal and create a bow/stern using the flaps. For added effect, you can also create a sail by making a T shape out of bamboo garden sticks and hanging a sheet from the top.
Now all you need to do is decorate! Draw or Paint on Cannon Holes, a Ships Name, and anything else you think your pirate ship needs.
Once you’ve created your Pirate Ship, go around the house adding Pirate themed decorations to help create the scene. Spare boxes left over from your pirate ship can be used to create treasure chests and ships wheels. Simply draw on a lock and lid/wheel details and leave dotted around your house.
You can also use chalk / electrical tape to create an ‘X marks the spot’ map leading to your front door, garden or refreshment’s table.
Fancy adding even more? Pirate Flags are fantastic for setting the scene and also won’t break the bank. We’ve also found a fantastic set of free pirate-themed pintables that are perfect for Kids Parties – and even better for your purse!

Party food can often be a minefield! Do I choose healthy options to keep the parents happy? Or do I let the Kids enjoy themselves and have a bit of sugar?
Now we can’t profess to be professional chefs here at MAD Distribution. So we thought instead of running the risk of poisoning your mini pirates, we’d leave the party food to the pros!
Find pirate food ideas below;
Pirate Food Ideas
Pirate Pizza Recipes
Fancy Dress Costumes
You’ve set the scene, made a pirate ship, now all you need is pirates! Luckily, Pirate fancy dress is one of the easiest, stress-free styles of outfits to choose.
The best way, of course, is to select a ready-made Kids Pirates Costume. Your child can choose from classic Deckhand or Jolly Roger Pirate costumes that come complete with ripped trousers, waistcoats pirate theme tops and bandanas. Alternately, the range of Pirate Captain Costumes look fantastic and include hats, jackets, mock waistcoats and neck scarfs.
Once you’ve got your children’s costume sorted it’s time to accessorize! Eyepatches, Toy Swords, Toy Hooks and Telescopes are all the perfect pirate accessories for your fancy dress costume.
Party Games
Now, who can have a birthday party without party games? No one! But what are some Pirate themed party games for your child to enjoy?
Walk the plank – Place a sturdy board on the floor (or elevate slightly on each end), with a blue sheet or blanket underneath. The child is then blindfolded and must walk the plank without falling off into the sea! Those who successfully make it across get a prize! With those falling in finding themselves right at the bottom of Davey Jones locker. For added excitement, why not place a paddling pool underneath the plank?
Island Hopping – A twist on the well-known musical chairs party game, this activity is all about ensuring you’re on an island when the music stops. Place several hula-hoops on the floor, ensuring they are close enough together for children to hop or walk in between. When the music stops, every player must be on an island, 2 or more children is acceptable – as long as they stay within the hula hoop! Continue, taking away a hula hoop each time until everyone is crammed onto one island.
Scavenger Treasure Hunt – A game that needs no explaining, you just need to add a pirate theme to your treasure hunt. Place the clues on ripped paper or ancient-looking maps, hide treasure in chests, and have your hidden treasure as (fake) gold coins, crowns and other items that can then be exchanged for sweets when the game is finished.

We hope we’ve helped you create the perfect pirate party on their birthday, and if you’ve got any other ideas we’d love to know so that they can be added to our guide. Don’t forget to also share your pirate pictures with us on social media! #maddistribution